
Action Space |
Observation Space |
Creation |
Sign environment from
If you use this environment, please cite the above paper (Liu et al., 2020).
Small U-shaped maze with 6 objects: (blue, red, green) x (key, box). A sign on the wall says “blue”, “green”, or “red.”
In addition to the normal state, accessible under state[“obs”], the state also includes a goal under state[“goal”] that specifies box or key.
The episode ends when any object is touched.
The sign and goal can be configured via the color_index and goal arguments to the constructor respectively.
Includes an action to end the episode.
Action Space¶
Num |
Action |
0 |
turn left |
1 |
turn right |
2 |
move forward |
3 |
end episode |
Observation Space¶
The observation space is an ndarray
with shape (obs_height, obs_width, 3)
representing an RGB image of what the agents see.
+1 for touching the object where the color matches the sign and the shape matches the goal -1 for touching any other object
: size of the square room.max_episode_steps
: number of steps before the episode ends.color_index
: specifies whether the sign says blue (0), green (1), or red (2).goal
: specifies box (0) or key (1).
env = gymnasium.make("Miniworld-Sign-v0", size=10, max_episode_steps=20, color_index=0, goal=0)