
Action Space |
Observation Space |
Creation |
Single-room environment where a red box must be placed next to a yellow box. The goal is to perform this task in as few steps as possible.
Action Space¶
Num |
Action |
0 |
turn left |
1 |
turn right |
2 |
move forward |
3 |
move back |
4 |
pick up |
5 |
drop |
6 |
toggle / activate an object |
7 |
complete task |
Observation Space¶
The observation space is an ndarray
with shape (obs_height, obs_width, 3)
representing an RGB image of what the agents see.
+(1 - 0.2 * (step_count / max_episode_steps)) when red box is next to yellow box
: size of world
env = gymnasium.make("Miniworld-PutNext-v0", size=12)