
Action Space |
Observation Space |
Creation |
Environment in which the goal is to go to a red box placed randomly in one big room.
The OneRoom
environment has two variants. The OneRoomS6
environment gives you
a room with size 6 (the OneRoom
environment has size 10). The OneRoomS6Fast
environment also is using a room with size 6, but the turning and moving motion
is larger.
Action Space¶
Num |
Action |
0 |
turn left |
1 |
turn right |
2 |
move forward |
Observation Space¶
The observation space is an ndarray
with shape (obs_height, obs_width, 3)
representing an RGB image of what the agents see.
+(1 - 0.2 * (step_count / max_episode_steps)) when red box reached and zero otherwise.
env = gymnasium.make("MiniWorld-OneRoom-v0")
# or
env = gymnasium.make("MiniWorld-OneRoomS6-v0")
# or
env = gymnasium.make("MiniWorld-OneRoomS6Fast-v0")